enhancing lives, gracefully, one resident at a time...
A place to unwind.
A Touch of Grace Assisted Living is a state licensed, faith based, assisted living community facility dedicated to the uniqueness and dignity of each of our residents. We provide a safe environment that fosters love for self as well as for others, and respect for life, while the highest standards of care are practiced. We perform compassionate skilled nursing care, which allows us to empower our residents to reach their fullest potential mentally, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically.
We provide the following services with integrity, that include, but aren’t limited to:
Specialized Residential Services, Community Living Supports, Personal Care
Developmentally Delayed
Mentally Ill
Medically Fragile
Medication Administration Assistance with ADLs
3 Home Cooked Meals & Healthy Snacks (with diet accommodations)
Memory Care
Activities of daily living (personal hygiene, laundry, etc.)
Call Response System
On Call Physician
Licensed Nurses On Staff
Physical, Speech, & Occupational Therapy
Barber / Beautician Services
Highly-Trained Direct Care Staff 24/7
And More!
We’d love for you to become apart of our family. Come by and see us!